Hindu Stories

"This is the sum of duty; do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you."

Chapter 113 Anushasana-Parva

Painting by Saloni Gadhia

Dilip Chirmuley, AM:

“Hindu scriptures identify the soul with the Supreme Being thus creating a bond between all living beings. The principal goal of Hinduism is to experience this divine self within and without. The corollary of such thinking is that if I hurt anyone I actually hurt myself. Therefore I must not hurt anyone. A scripture tells Hindus that, “He who sees all beings in the self and the self in all beings hates no one. We hate others only when that awareness of unity is not there. A sage adds that our awareness of the self in all makes everyone dear to us.”

Did you know ?

According to the Hindu philosophy ‘Om’ is the cosmic sound - the creator of this universe.

Artist Statement - Saloni Gadhia

Inspired by my mother Meenakshi Shubhraj, I have pursued my passion for visual arts by involving myself in the creation of various contemporary and traditional art pieces on canvas, glass and paper using various mediums such as acrylic, oil, impasto, water colours and inks. I have also been involved with volunteering activities to develop designs and create traditional styles of decorations for various Indian cultural shows in Adelaide.

Art is a way of expression for me, and it has been a pleasure to be gifted with an opportunity to share that expression with the world.

The philosophy of Hinduism can be represented in various forms. In Hinduism, one of the most sacred spiritual icons is the sacred sound of Om. The syllable Om, also known as omkara represents the Atman (soul) and the Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, supreme spirit, cosmic principles and knowledge). It is believed that the sacred sound of Om creates a vibration in the atmosphere and brings balance, peace and harmony.

This art piece depicts the symbol of Om over the Namaste gesture of Ardhanarishwara in a contemporary style.

In the Hindu Religion, it is believed that Lord Shiva, the male power, and Shakti, the female power were united, known as Ardhanarishwara. This painting was inspired by the concept of unity, not only as a community, but also by gender; bowing down in a Namaste to express respect.

Namaste is a traditional Hindu greeting that says ‘My soul honours your soul; I honour the place in you where the universe resides. I honour the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one”; thus representing the concept of the Golden rule.

Food for life

Did you know that volunteers at International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) located at 25 Le Hunte St Kilburn, run a weekly program “Food for Life” to feed the homeless? They cook vegetarian food and serve to the needy from a van at Hurtle Square. The food is donated by the volunteers. This is an engaging and rewarding program creating a sense of team work in volunteers and a personal satisfaction of serving the poor in community.

The Eightfold path

Within the Yoga philosophy, Patanjali set down eightfold path made up of mental and physical disciplines. Discipline (Five important moral obligations as a guide for a Yogi to live) • Not harming living beings (Ahimsa) • Truthfulness • Non-stealing • Chastity • Non-greedy Restraint (Five self-practices for harmony in relationships) • Purity • Contentment • Devotion • Study • Devotion to God Posture (Asana) Breath Control (Pranayama) Sense withdrawal (Prtyahara) Concentration (Dharana) Meditation (Dhayana) Ecstasy (Samadhi) Hindu Council of Australia (SA Chapter) continuously promotes the Science behind the Hindu rituals and traditions, explores the scientific knowledge that Hinduism has given to the world and organises free workshops, especially for youth, to explore Science behind Hindu traditions including Yoga.

Buddhist foundation to finance rebuilding of Yoga – Hindus’ uniquely outstanding gift to Australia & the West-damaged church

The widespread practice of Yoga by Australians since 1950’s is one incontrovertible contribution of Hindu culture for general wellbeing of individuals through Yoga in Australia. Brought to Australia by Michael Volin (1950) and Roma Blair (1956), Yoga was made popular by Swami Satchidananda and Mahrishi Mahesh Yogi. More people use Yoga these days as a physical exercise and meditation for overcoming stress of living a busy life. But Yoga is a way to balance all aspects of a person’s physical body, mental, spiritual and emotional self to bring out the best in an individual, leading to living a healthy and harmonious life. This ancient technique of achieving holistic balance through Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Bandha (locks), Satkarma (purification practices) and Dhyana (meditation), Yoga offers a safe, non-aggressive and comprehensive way to connect body, mind and spirit leading to a calm, happy and balanced life. As an exercise, Yoga promotes healthy blood flow, tones muscles without straining, balances the neuro-endocrine system, combats fatigue, stabilizes emotions and reduces stress. There are many different reasons why people practice Yoga; to gain flexibility and strength, recovery from injury, overcoming stress and to relax. No wonder it’s becoming so popular with the masses all around the western world. Yoga as a philosophy has its roots in the ancient Hindu scriptures called Vedas. Around 300 BC a great Indian sage Patanjali - also known as ‘Father of Yoga’ compiled the Yoga practices into 196 ‘Sutras’ (verses) written in Sanskrit language. These verses are short teachings offering wisdom and insights into improving one’s life through Yoga philosophy.







